Yahoo Answers – Quranists and Division

If quranists were more common would there be even worse division?

what do you think of this question:…it appears that every single quranist would be a different sect or even religion by the looks of it.

for example in that question the quranists couldnt agree on something as fundamental as salaah, with some saying its 3 times per day, some saying 5, and even saying that they dont believe in doing ritual “sit ups”.

even with fasting, they couldnt agree on when to fast. same with hijab, dating etc it seems they only agree on rejecting hadith.

it seems that if 1 billion muslims became quranist, then we would have 1 billion sects.

what do you think? agree or disagree?

just a point i want to bring up because i see some quranists criticizing what they see as sects and all muslims not on their methodology, but it seems that approach is sectarian anyway and just creates even more sects.

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@revolution, thanks for being the 1st person to give a response to the question from a quranist view.I called them sects because they seem to be arguing with eachother (and ive constantly seen many alienate the other), and also because they don’t agree on any FUNDAMENTALS, such as what the 5 pillars even are.In sunni islam there is a certain set of beliefs and practices that have to be accepted to be within the fold of islam, and after that the finer details are open to interpretation to those who have studied, and all are considered to be valid acceptable opinions to follow. as you mentioned they are the finer details.

23 hours ago

@asfora, thanks for the respectful reply. i just had a quick read of your answer, and will read your links and reply when i can as im a little busy atm.

21 hours ago

@Asfora I almost completely agree with what you said about people calling themselves “just muslim”, and that is what my question is referring to mainly when im talking about that mentality, like I posted in that last paragraph.However just seeing your attitude by your reply, I wouldn’t say that this question applies to someone like you. I disagree with you on other issues, but not on this issue of having that sectarian mentality.Also I hope you read my update before because I tried to clarify the difference between sects and difference of opinion when it was brought up earlier – and as you know orthodox traditional islam has always accepted difference of opinion and has a history of scholarship however with certain limits and fundamentals unable to be crossed. I hope ive made that clearer as many may have read over it before.

Also despite some people replying to me about saying quranists aren’t muslims, I have never actually said that in my question – which doesn’t mean im not st

9 hours ago

Also despite some people replying to me about saying quranists aren’t muslims, I have never actually said that in my question – which doesn’t mean im not strongly against many things they do. I was just bringing up an issue and a problem I saw hoping to see what people thought.I actually feel that I have an approach that youre saying of accepting different groups, however within reason, like I mentioned there are many things in islam which cannot be taken away, fundamentals such as some beliefs, salaah, sawm, hajj etc, which many argue and disagree about – which I believe is very dangerous to disagree about.

9 hours ago

Also it was nice to see somebody replying with good akhlaq, in a good way which reflects the spirit of islam.@Be Good, I agree with the point you said of each person considering themselves a big scholar able to make decisions on things they haven’t studied properly. That is part of the point I was trying to make, as this is what unites orthodox muslims and allows for difference of opinion.

9 hours ago

This question about “If quranists were mo… ” was originally asked on Yahoo! Answers United Kingdom

Answers (21)

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  • They are bad enough the way they are…
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  • How can 1 be a Muslim without hadith? Its said, in wiki that is, they reject even the proper Shahada. Theirs is without prophet Muhammad S.A.W as prophet of Allah S.W.T.
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  • Quranists dont exist. Well maybe a few (the kind that pray 3 times), but for the most part, all hadith rejectors arent Quranist, but all Quranists are hadith rejecters 🙂 i hope that makes sense to you.The reason everyone has different belief is because Allah is the true guide, he guides whom he wills, and how he wills.
    But i doubt there will be any wars fought by different Quranists, as they pride themselves on being more peaceful 😛
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  • in my opinion, i would say that in the quran it clearly states that salat is our 2nd important duty to fulfil amongst all other 3 pillar because at the day of judgement allah first will ask about your namazthen others. so believe in yourself, Allah and his prophets and his creation however im not saying that all of the expert muslims are lying but if they have strong evidence to prove what they saying then maybe i would trust them but all i know that if you learn 40 hadith without reading from a book then you would be known as great as great imam and you will be shine as a great follower of Prophet Muhammad (p.u.b.h).


    May Allah Guide You and increase your knowledge about Islam!!!!!!!!!
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  • with more Quranists i just see more Bidah in the world…because Quranic verses can be interpreted in many ways and with each person interpreting it in his way just makes more contradictions in beliefs and Haram and Halal….we should learn the correct interpretation of the Quran and that can only be done by someone Divinely guided…
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  • I disagree. I see you misunderstood the word “sect”.A different opinion DOES NOT, and I repeat, DOES NOT create a sect. Sects are groups of people that alienate everyone else who doesn’t agree with them, sometimes even by murder. This reminds me of sunni Islam and the riddah punishment (which is barbaric and unquranic).Wouldn’t it be safer for us to consider the word “sect” from a Quranic prospective?

    I also noticed that you don’t read much about hadith science and Quran interpretation, do you? Because if you do, you would know that even the most Islamic sects have MANY diverse opinions regarding even the smallest issues, such as music or the right salaat gestures. So, if you apply your understanding to Quranists, you might as well just apply it to Sunnis and Shia.

    Quranism is about freedom of thought and doing good at the same time. We’re intelligent enough to live in peace without having to bathe and use the rest room like Prophet Muhammed was claimed to do.

    Peace. 🙂

    ======= REPLY ======

    Thank you. But you should ask yourself, does the Quran say that different opinions mean different sects? Quranists may not agree on the five pillars, for example, but I see them living VERY peacefully with each other. Add to that, the relationships with them are outgoing and much warmer than relationships you’d have with uptight religious folks.

    Yes, since Quranism is so diverse, you will find those who fight and don’t agree with others (just like in any community). As a Quranist, and I speak for myself ONLY, the five pillars aren’t fundamental. Peace and freedom are though. Many Quranists don’t even believe Islam is about rituals and pillars, but about creating an open lifestyle for the better of all.

    You may think music and hijab/niqab are “finer details”, but they are a big deal for others, especially when you understand how insignificant the five ritual prayers are and how they’re not in the Quran as a ritual. Then again, other Quranists would believe there are rituals.

    The point is about freedom of belief. OF COURSE, your freedom ends when the freedom of others begins. Suppose a Quranist said killing is halaal, other people (and Quranists) have every right to stop him and bring him to justice.

    Organized Religion = Organized Crime (in the name of Allah (swt))


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  • Dear N,I am a quranist and like any other quranist, my views are uniquely mine. In other words, I do not share 100 percent similar views with anyone. No quranist does. But you know what, no Muslim (of ANY variety) has 100 percent similar views with each other either. Do you think by simply subscribing to a group (like Sunni or Shia or Sufi) and/or by claiming allegiance to a school of law, this makes you a non-thinking entity? Absolutely not! All Muslims, all HUMAN BEINGS think. Quranist are simply more vocal about it.Does it mean if all Muslims became quranists, we would have 1 billion odd sects? No way! You are simply carrying a Wahabi mindset about religion. Sectarianism is for those who seek to exploit others. We are notesharers, not dispensers of religious thought.

    Quranist Islam is an approach to Islam. We think Islam for ourselves under the guidance of our sole divine source, the Quran. We are an association of people who share notes. We are not a sect. Sects are born from a mindset of exclusivism. Quranists recognise multiplicities in the path to God.

    Why are you so worried about uniformity of thinking? Are you not secure in the fact that what YOU believe in born from a sincere search? Build your own relationship with Allah, dont ride on someone elses. You are a person in your own right.

    @Lie Guru who said ‘Notice how all the Islamophobes here defend and support the quranists!!!’

    LOL. What a joke! Here’s what JOCHEN KATZ, the founder of ANSWERING ISLAM wrote ‘Why TRADITIONS are MANDATORY for all Muslims’. He WANTS Muslims to follow hadith so he can bash you to bits, lol. Here’s the link:

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  • Salaam – I am a Quranist and I really believe that the term Quranism is simply a term to describe muslims who believe the Quran is the sole source as opposed to ppl who say they are other sources besides the Quran. Quranists are still muslims and we are not saying we are right and others are wrong. We are not saying we are the only “True” muslims and the others are “polytheists” or “kafirs”. Not at all. Alhamdulillah we are Quranists, we are muslims, we believe in the whole complete Quran and the Quran unites us all. We believe in Unity NOT Uniformity! 🙂 Promoting individual logical pondering and reflection of our Creator’s Words (as instructed by the Quran) as opposed to the Hive-Mind forced thinking of the masses 🙂 The terms Quranism/Quranists are needed to communicate effectively and honestly. Here are some articles which you might like:This one is about the “just muslim” label one is “Justifying the Quranist / Quranism labels”

    “Quranism is not a sect – here is why”

    Quranism is not a sect, it’s an approach. There are lots of articles about why Quranism is not a sect and what a sect is on the website. If you define a sect as having a differing opinion about something then even the 4 madhabs within Sunni islam would be sects. But they are just differences of opinion. And sects are only sects because of the mentality of “We are right and you are wrong” . If everybody just agreed that we all believe in 1 God, Allah and we are all doing our genuine best to do what He wants us to do, then we should all get along fine. It’s actually only when ppl start judging others instead of letting ppl just get on with it that there is tension or division.

    I actually like that people have different opinions, and ponder and think about stuff instead of following blindly. It’s quranic in fact.
    17:36 for example talks about checking before you act, 23:68 is a good one too about pondering / reflecting on the words.

    Some people don’t like the term “Quranists” and insist on calling themselves “Muslims” or “just muslims” – It’s almost like saying that the term Muslim is for “OUR” exclusive use. To me that is creating a “them and us” situation which is divisive and saying WE are in the fold of islam and THEY are not in it. I think that a more inclusive approach is to acknowledge that we are all muslims and that some have a different/similar approach than what the Quran teaches. Some approaches are based on Quran plus other sources considered divine and Quranist approach is where the Quran is considered the only divine source of islam. There are many types of muslims (female muslims, male muslims, old muslims, young muslims, rich muslims, poor muslims, practising muslims, non-practising muslims, married muslims, divorced muslims, single muslims etc etc I believe that when a muslim uses the approach of Quranism, they can be described as a quranist muslim – it’s a description. I don’t believe descriptions are anything to do with sects. Just my thoughts on it 🙂


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  • no, we would just get together and write our own hadith like all the other hadiths
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  • Asalamo Alaykum.You know what? When Quantity increases the Quality is bound to fall low. The Quality of Muslims was the best during the time of Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh, now since Muslims have increased in numbers and have divided themselves into various sects, groups, denominations, division, the quality fall down.Among the Quranists, there are yet many differences, they even don’t have a common point except to reject Ahadith in totality. Every Quranist considers himself a great scholar. Few of them consider themselves a Reformists and wants to reform Islam and on whose authority? Some of them reject Prophet Muhammad pbuh and consider Rashad Khalifa a messenger of Allah after Prophet Muhammad pbuh (Astaghfirulla) knowing the fact that Quran was completed on beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh, hence we don’t need any further Prophets & Messengers and by the way for what purpose?

    No matter, how many articles they write to justify their arguments, their stance is just invalid in the light of Glorious Quran.

    1- Allah commands to practice Quran as was practiced by Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh, no new Tariqa would be acceptable.
    The Golden Quranic Rule: Obey Allah & Follow Rasool pbuh.
    Obey Allah = Obey Quran
    Follow Rasool pbuh = Practice Quran the way Beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh practiced.

    2- Quran named us “Muslim” in the last verse of Sura Al-Hajj. Naming, labelling ourselves even to distinguish overselves is just not supported by The Glorious Quran.

    3- There is NO verse in The Quran that commands to create a sect Or to wear a label.

    4- Quran commands to hold collectively the rope of Allah and don’t divide amongst yourself, but they love to name themselves, Quranists, Quran Only, Ahle Quran, Reformists.

    5- Allah protected Quran from corruption and sunnah is very much preserved and sunnah is part n parcel of The Quran by commanding “Obey Allah & Follow Rasool pbuh”

    I can go on & on, but its useless as each & every sect, denomination try to justify their stance and consider other destined to hell and only they are going to heavens but hardly anyone ponders over the wisdom & commandments in The Quran. 🙂


    I am just a Muslim without any label. Alhamdolillah 🙂
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  • Notice how all the Islamophobes here defend and support the quranists!!!Let me teach you quranists’ duaa, they dont say like the Muslims: “May Allah be please with us”Quranists say: “May the west be pleased with us, May america be pleased with us, May the Islamophobes be pleased with us”. They are changing the religion of Islam to please the Islamophobes.

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  • All the Problems Are Also Present in Hadithers .. But Hadithers can blame their imaam in the day of judgement…. whom will the quranist blame ??? them selves… but this is what allah says in quran… everyone must take care of own deeds… so it is rather good to be misguided by quran than misguided by humans??? P.S. but allah says who follows quran can never be misguided so the different opinions will be of each individual to him self and not forcing others to follow them… if they force they will become like hadithers sects so much to say but not much to follow…. so you question is good one but answers can only be given perfectly by allah and allah in quran says follow quran and it is we who would make you understand……….. so r u ready to understand quran the ALLAH way or the HUMAN way??
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  • When you deeply observe Quranists you will find as mentioned below or I must say these are the characteristics of Quranists :-1. They wont say “you are kaafir if you dont believe what I believe”
    2. They encourage freedom of speech (please do not confuse with the freedom of insult).
    3. They only try to follow the Quran and their opinion differs. No two people are same. God made all of us unique.
    4. They are the light of their own. Every individual is going to bear the burden of his/her own.Quran says do not get separated in sects or groups.
    I see people keep on quoting this verse but the main focus is always on “Sects” if we shift our focus to separation we will understand that Sect and Separation go side by side for example Shia and Sunni, they are sects why? coz they are separated. Why are they separated and Quranists are not? coz they have throat cutting rules if you believe you are muslim if you dont then you are not. This flavor is absent in Quranists hence they are not Separated and they are not Sects even though they have different opinions which is healthy for understanding. If everyone had said earth is flat we would not be able to know the truth.
    Quranists are not those who gather followers as we do not have a leader or everyone is a leader.

    Think about it.


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  • Let me answer the infection in your brain with a question:1- Are the Muslims without any sects ???
    2- Is there no sect among the Jews ?
    3- Is there no sect among the Christians ?
    4- Is there no sect among the Sunnis ?
    5- Is there no sect among the Shias ?:)

    Opinions differ !!
    and there is no way that one can have absolute uniformity in a matter that is not crystal clear in every aspect / angle.

    – Are Quranists without idol worship ?

    The answer is NO.
    – Some follow Pervaiz down to the letter.
    – Some follow Rashad down to the letter.
    – Many also follow the western slogans without ever knowing that they are doing so. I have seen a group of them, that at one point of time were defending even homosexuals and sex with same gender.

    God tells us in the Quran, that HE guides with it many, and HE **MISLEADS** also many.

    So how do you know if a particular Quranist is guided or misguided.

    For the crooks like here, I would like to keep a secret !!! a brain teaser !!!


    Reformist Submitter (Quranist)
    “God Alone, Quran Alone”
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  • “I agree with the point you said of each person considering themselves a big scholar able to make decisions on things they haven’t studied properly. That is part of the point I was trying to make, as this is what unites orthodox muslims and allows for difference of opinion.”This is presumptuous on the part of orthodox muslims. Just because quranists diverge from what the ulema say, it does not mean they have not studied properly. And the quran expects you to make your own decisions and to use your own intellect in life. You may think that it is piety to submit to experts, but try to remember that neither your scholars nor your jamat will stand by you on the Day you face your Lord:19/95 And all of them [kulluhum] are coming to Him on the Day of Resurrection [yawma l-qiyāmati] alone [fardan].

    33/67 And they will say: “Our Lord! Indeed we obeyed our chiefs/leaders [sādatanā] and our great men [kubarāanā], so they led us astray from the path.”

    You do not need to believe exactly what your brother believes. This is impossible anyway. Despite what orthodox islam says, there are many paths to reach Allah:

    17/84 Say, “Each works upon his manner, but your Lord is most knowing of who He best guided in way.”

    29/69 And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our paths [subulana]. And indeed Allah is surely with the doers of good.

    With the above verses in mind, how can anyone say for certain that the “fundamentals” espoused by sunni islam are really fundamentals? The point is, you must examine these claims yourself in the light of the quran and then follow your convictions. If you disagree, then each to their own. This is allowed. If everyone did this, there would be many, many ideas floating around, but we wouldn’t denounce each other as deviants/disbelievers/ahlul bidah. There would be complete freedom of thought and the most upright/moral position will always come out on top, because this is what human beings are naturally attracted to.


    My brain
    My moral compass
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    Shows clearly that the vague and ambiguous Quran can’t be the word of a God.
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    ALL muslims SHOULD be quranist …
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    I find Quranists here among the very best posters on Ramadan.
    Hadith followers are often confused.
    How can you believe in the Hadiths which often contradict the Quran and makes Mohammad a monster?
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    how is my photo?
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    I already believe there are more than a billion different versions of how is Islam is practiced because there are more than a billion different Muslims so these labels make no difference to me. The prophecies indicate all the sects are astray until Mehdi comes along to fix the problem.
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    Hadiths were written only 300 years after Muhammad’s death. Look at the names of Hadiths’ authors on books. Google those names and you’ll discover that compilers were born only 300 years after Muhammad’s lifetime. So, how can these compilers reallly know Muhammad when they’d never met him in their lifetimes?
    I suppose that Hadiths were written merely as souvenirs to sell to religious tourists/primgrims who make Hajj. Look at what kind of lifestyles that the Hadith writers had. Besides, Hadiths are NOT written by God or Muhammad.
    • 16 hours ago

2 Responses to Yahoo Answers – Quranists and Division

  1. johnakmedbwg says:

    The answer is simple. Just because someone eats apple and the other mango and the other orange you cant call them SECTS, they are all eating fruit. Likewise if you believe and pray to GOD you are muslim, be it 3 times or 5 times or 10 rakkats whatever, as long as it is NOT against QURAN, It is yours actions and intentions that count. Quran or Sunna doesnt tell you how to bake a Pizza, but we still do. Use a little bit of your mind, ponder and think and each individual can act his way, following Quran as a guideline. The details can defer between individuals, but that doesnt make them Sects. you are free to choose your way of following Islam.

  2. Musa says:

    Quran alone followers are not much united. So far I have found their weakest point. So they are still not following the Quran properly. God says in the Quran Muslims must be united but most of those Quranists are not united. So most of them are not following the Quran. That is why Quran alone momvment is not getting momentum. Also hadith folowers are getting chance to attack or haress them often.

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